Testing on devices

If you run the demo, you will have a HTTPS container running at

Connecting from iOS to Mac

On your Mac, ensure you have enabled System Preferences > Sharing > File Sharing and your iPhone is on the same wi-fi network as your Mac.

If you followed the demo guide and configured your docker-compose.yml to use your Mac's name (found in the System Preferences > Sharing pane) then you will be able to access your demo from your iOS device using the URL https://[your Mac name]:8181.

If you would like to run local debugging, you will need to connect your iOS device via USB and allow Safari developer tools on both the iOS device and your Mac.

Connecting from Android to Mac

In order to connect from Android we recommend connecting via USB and enabling port forwarding through the remote devices screen in Chrome. If you are running on then you will need to enable port forwarding for port 8181 and you should then be able to access the demo through the URL https://localhost:8181 on your Android device.

Last updated