Integrating with your websites and web applications

Presence has now provided you with all of the tools you need to get started with Web Authentication, but there are still several challenges you need to solve to acheive a working solution for your own website or web application.

Enable existing users to register credentials

You need to allow your users to register a credential. Two common patterns for this are:

  • Displaying a message after an existing email/password login with text such as 'Would you like to register a biometric credential for faster login in future?'.

  • Inside an authenticated user area, add an account option to 'Register biometric credential for faster login'.

Recording which users have Web Auth credentials available

To provide a clear user experience, you need to know which users have registered credentials.

Giving users the option to log in with Web Auth

If a user has registered a credential, you need to identify that and allow them to log in using that credential. A common pattern for this is to ask for the user's email address to check if they have registered one or more credentials, present the option to log in with Web Auth.

User education

As biometric authentication is still a very new technology, particularly in the general public outside the realms of native mobile operating systems and banking apps, education will be needed to explain what Web Authentication is and how it works. Users will have privacy, security and other questions that it's important to provide information and guidance around to build confidence in the technology.

Last updated